About error codes
When an API operation fails, the return is:
response_status = 1
response_message = Error
The error_code and error_message attributes are shown inside response_data
List of all error code can be retrieved with:
The table below includes the error codes and descriptions:
Error Code | Description |
BDC_1001 | System error occurred. |
BDC_1002 | Unknown error occurred. |
BDC_1003 | Unknown version. |
BDC_1005 | Version ${paramName0} is not supported. |
BDC_1101 | User name and/or password do not match our records. |
BDC_1102 | Developer key is invalid. |
BDC_1103 | Developer key is inactive. |
BDC_1104 | Developer terms are not accepted. |
BDC_1106 | Partner type of the API user and the organization being accessed do not match. |
BDC_1107 | Organization is locked out. |
BDC_1108 | Missing parameter value for parameter: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1109 | Session is invalid. Please log in. |
BDC_1110 | Login is locked. |
BDC_1111 | No active user for: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1113 | Login error. |
BDC_1114 | Invalid entity type: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1115 | Invalid CRUD operation: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1116 | Invalid CRUD operation entity: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1117 | Missing required data for: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1118 | Entity from CRUD operation: ${paramName0} does not match the entity specified in the data: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1119 | Invalid field,value: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1120 | No data found. |
BDC_1121 | API not supported. |
BDC_1122 | Error Parsing Json Object. Please check your request. |
BDC_1123 | Invalid organization id. |
BDC_1124 | Invalid field datatype: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1125 | Error uploading sync log file. |
BDC_1126 | Invalid log session id. |
BDC_1127 | No sync log file found. |
BDC_1128 | Invalid List entity: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1129 | Invalid parameter value for parameter,value: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1130 | Invalid list filter field: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1131 | Invalid list filter operator: ${paramName0} |
BDC_1132 | Invalid list filter value(s) for field, value(s): ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1133 | Invalid list sorting field: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1134 | Operator not supported for field,operator: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1135 | ${paramName0} does not exist for id: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1136 | Vendor is not active: ${paramName0} |
BDC_1137 | Vendor is not a check vendor. |
BDC_1138 | Vendor is already linked. |
BDC_1139 | Vendor is not a US vendor. |
BDC_1140 | Vendor already has a pending invite. |
BDC_1141 | Vendor has a pending bank account. |
BDC_1142 | ${paramName0} entity is read-only. |
BDC_1143 | Invalid entity data. ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1144 | Max number of allowed requests per hour reached: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1145 | Current user or organization does not have valid permissions. |
BDC_1146 | Missing ${paramName0} line items. |
BDC_1147 | User must be logged in to the organization to perform this request. |
BDC_1148 | Organization id parameter must be provided to perform this request: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1149 | ${paramName0} must be a valid date and in the format ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1150 | User cannot make online payments. |
BDC_1151 | Cannot make online payments with the specified bank account. |
BDC_1152 | Invalid Process Date : ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1153 | Invalid Bill. |
BDC_1154 | International payments are disabled. |
BDC_1155 | Payments to the country are not supported. |
BDC_1156 | Payment amount too large. |
BDC_1157 | Payment amount must be greater than $0. |
BDC_1158 | Vendor payment address is not valid. |
BDC_1159 | Cannot overpay a bill. |
BDC_1160 | Organization is inactive. |
BDC_1161 | Invalid Id: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1162 | Invalid Document. |
BDC_1163 | Document file size exceeds the limit. |
BDC_1164 | Unable to process the document. |
BDC_1165 | Changes made don't match this vendor information in Bill.com network. |
BDC_1166 | Referred object is not found for entity,id,field,value: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}, ${paramName2}, ${paramName3}. |
BDC_1167 | Referred object is deleted for entity,id,field,value: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}, ${paramName2}, ${paramName3}. |
BDC_1168 | Invalid value for entity,id,field,value: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}, ${paramName2}, ${paramName3}. |
BDC_1169 | Missing document. |
BDC_1170 | Your account is locked because it reached the maximum number of failed login attempts. Go to the web application to reset your password. |
BDC_1171 | Duplicate invoice number for ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1172 | Vendor information cannot be changed because it is maintained by the vendor. |
BDC_1173 | Customer information cannot be changed because it is maintained by the customer. |
BDC_1174 | Invoice has invalid sales tax item. |
BDC_1175 | Application key is invalid. |
BDC_1176 | Application key is inactive. |
BDC_1177 | Application key must be specified. |
BDC_1178 | Developer key must be specified. |
BDC_1179 | Unable to set integration id ${paramName0} on the object ${paramName1} because integration id ${paramName2} already exists. |
BDC_1180 | Number of custom fields for organization ${paramName0} cannot exceed ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1181 | Integration status does not exists for object id ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1182 | More than one integration object found for object id ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1183 | More than one integration object found for integration id ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1184 | Missing object for integration id ${paramName0} and object id ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1185 | Object id ${paramName0} which belongs to the integration id ${paramName1} does not match the object id ${paramName2} specified in the data. |
BDC_1186 | Another object already exists with id ${paramName0} for integration id ${paramName1} and entity type ${paramName2}. |
BDC_1187 | The integration id ${paramName0} is not set for this object. Set the integration id first. |
BDC_1188 | Invalid value for data key,value: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1189 | More than one integration progress status object found. |
BDC_1190 | The application is not installed or it is not active. |
BDC_1191 | More than one installation found for the application. |
BDC_1192 | Cannot update locked object. |
BDC_1193 | Cannot delete locked object. |
BDC_1194 | Cannot merge locked object. |
BDC_1195 | Maximum number of integration errors reached. Please resolve the existing ones to proceed. |
BDC_1196 | The user with id ${paramName0} does not have any valid permissions to pay online. |
BDC_1197 | Invalid user name: ${paramName0}. Please provide a user name without an email address format. |
BDC_1198 | The object is inactive: ${paramName0}, ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1199 | Object already exists: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1200 | The accounting software cannot be changed. |
BDC_1201 | The logged in user cannot be deleted. |
BDC_1202 | Cannot delete the user because the user is a approval policy approver. |
BDC_1203 | Cannot delete the user because the user has outstanding bills to be approved. |
BDC_1204 | Invoice total amount cannot be negative: ${paramName0} |
BDC_1205 | No data found for object with id ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1206 | Username already exists: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1207 | All the line items should be in a list format. |
BDC_1208 | Each set of line item data should be in a map format. |
BDC_1209 | Cannot delete the user for the following reasons: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1210 | Access restricted. |
BDC_1211 | Integration id '${paramName0}' which belongs to the object id ${paramName1} does not match the integration id '${paramName2}' specified in the data. |
BDC_1212 | Bill is not found :${paramName0}. |
BDC_1213 | The bill vendor does not match the payment vendor: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1214 | Bill is not active: ${paramName0}. |
BDC-1215 | Vendor Credit is not found: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1216 | Vendor Credit must be applied to a bill that is being paid: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1217 | The Vendor Credit vendor does not match the bill vendor: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1218 | Vendor Credit is not active: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1219 | Payment is not found. |
BDC_1220 | Payment to be voided is an online payment. |
BDC_1221 | Payment amount cannot be negative. |
BDC_1222 | Customer is not found : ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1223 | Invalid payment type. |
BDC_1224 | Invoice is not found. |
BDC_1225 | The invoice customer does not match the payment customer. |
BDC_1226 | Invoice is not active. |
BDC_1227 | Cannot overpay an invoice. |
BDC_1228 | Payment amount must be greater than or equal to the invoice payment total. |
BDC_1229 | Payment is not in paid status: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1231 | Cannot specify an organization id request parameter when performing an operation on an organization. |
BDC_1232 | Cannot modify the object since BDC is the master: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1233 | The vendor is not eligible to setup an epayment either because there is a pending vendor invite, a pending bank account, the vendor is already setup for epayment or the vendor is an international vendor. |
BDC_1234 | The user is already an approver on this policy. |
BDC_1235 | The data sent in the request exceeds the maximum allowed. |
BDC_1236 | Cannot specify an organization id when performing this action. |
BDC_1237 | User is not an authorized approver: ${paramName0} |
BDC_1238 | Entity ${paramName0} does not match the entity specified by id: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1239 | The data at each index in the bulk array must be for the same entity and must match the entity in the url for CRUD operations. |
BDC_1240 | Email already exists: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1241 | Error processing bulk request. |
BDC_1242 | Cannot deactivate the bank account because it is not active or not verified or the user does not have valid permissions. |
BDC_1243 | Searching on ${paramName0} not allowed. |
BDC_1244 | Error occurred during search: ${paramName0} |
BDC_1245 | Cannot modify the object since the master is unknown: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1246 | Changes were rollback due to other failures within this transaction. |
BDC_1247 | This bill cannot be paid because it violates approval policies: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1248 | Vendor credits cannot be applied to this bill because the bill violates approval policies. |
BDC_1249 | Specify at least one bill to pay. |
BDC_1250 | Bill credit amount of ${paramName0} cannot be greater than available amount of ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1251 | Bill credit amount of ${paramName0} is invalid. Must be greater than $0.00. |
BDC_1252 | Bill credit cannot be applied to a bill that is already paid: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1253 | Total bill credit of ${paramName0} applied is greater than the bill balance of ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1254 | Maximum number of bill pays or bill credits reached. Maximum allowed: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1255 | Either provide to email addresses parameter value or set the customer email address for customer: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1256 | Either the object id is required or the integration id with the entity type are required, but not both. |
BDC_1257 | Invalid purge entity: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1258 | The integration id ${paramName0} does not exist for the entity. |
BDC_1259 | The number of line items exceeded the maximum size of ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1260 | Please use a correct API end point for the organization. |
BDC_1261 | Please specify a valid customer Id or a customer name to create new customer to get paid, but not both. |
BDC_1262 | The organization profile requested can not be found. |
BDC_1263 | The relationship status is not supported |
BDC_1264 | There is an error processing the request, please try again later |
BDC_1265 | Operation not allowed for own organization |
BDC_1266 | The bill has already been approved or denied. |
BDC_1267 | Vendor credit has already been approved or denied . |
BDC_1268 | User is not the right state to approve or deny. |
BDC_1269 | Invalid value for '${paramName0}'. Enter a whole number between ${paramName1} and ${paramName2}. |
BDC_1270 | Invalid value for '${paramName0}'. Must be either today or later. |
BDC_1271 | Invalid value for '${paramName0}'. Enter a date greater than or equal to the '${paramName1}' or pass in null. |
BDC_1272 | Convenience fee cannot be charged : ${paramName0} |
BDC_1273 | Customer not authorized to be charged directly : ${paramName0} |
BDC_1274 | Failed to charge customer : ${paramName0} |
BDC_1275 | Customer bank account not found : ${paramName0} |
BDC_1276 | Please only specify total amount, or a list of individual invoices to pay |
BDC_1277 | Customer must have a valid address. |
BDC_1278 | Customer must agree to the Bill Payment Terms of Service. |
BDC_1279 | Invalid action based on approval policies. |
BDC_1280 | Must specify either the vendor Id or customer Id to invite |
BDC_1281 | The Payment Network Id (pnId) is required |
BDC_1282 | Invalid system status for invite to reconnect org: No existing network relationship |
BDC_1283 | Your organization cannot connect to get paid through the Network. |
BDC_1284 | This organization cannot pay other organization yet. Please upgrade your account. |
BDC_1285 | A valid organization id parameter must be provided along with the user id to perform this request: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1286 | User id is not allowed for this request. |
BDC_1287 | Access restricted. |
BDC_1288 | Missing voidRequestType for voiding an online payment. |
BDC_1289 | Missing the reason for voiding an online payment. |
BDC_1290 | Payment detail is not found. |
BDC_1291 | Payment is not in scheduled status. |
BDC_1292 | Can't void the payment at this moment because the payment funding process is in progress. Please try again once the funding process is over. |
BDC_1293 | Out-dated payment network connection status, please retry after refresh. Reason: ${paramName0} |
BDC_1294 | Duplicate entity ${paramName0} passed in. |
BDC_1295 | Maximum number of ids reached. Please limit to ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1296 | Vendor is not linked: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1297 | Account number(${paramName0}) does not match the one saved in vendor(${paramName1}). |
BDC_1298 | Payment is not a check payment: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1299 | Payment is not an online payment: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1300 | Payment check information is not available: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1301 | Payment check image data is not available: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1302 | The entity type of id ${paramName0} does not match any of the expected entity types: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1303 | Maximum number of ${paramName0} to email addresses value exceeded, actual count: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1304 | Invalid email addresses: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1305 | Maximum ${paramName0} size exceeded, actual count: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1306 | Maximum ${paramName0} size exceeded, actual count: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1307 | Provide both subject and body together or not at all. |
BDC_1308 | Current user must be a valid app user in order to send a copy of the invoice email. |
BDC_1309 | Provide a valid and active user in ${paramName0} or configure the receivables email template. |
BDC_1310 | Provide a valid subject in ${paramName0} or configure the receivables email template. |
BDC_1311 | Provide a valid body in ${paramName0} or configure the receivables email template. |
BDC_1312 | The entity type ${paramName0} does not match any of the expected entity types: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_1313 | There's already a void request for this payment. |
BDC_1314 | Payment is not voidable: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1315 | Remittance information is invalid. |
BDC_1316 | Cannot update remittance in payment that is being processed. |
BDC_1317 | Customer is not linked: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1318 | Customer is not active: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1319 | Invalid integrationId. |
BDC_1320 | Credit memo total amount has to be positive. |
BDC_1321 | ${paramName0} must be ${paramName1} to set ${paramName2} to ${paramName3}. |
BDC_1322 | Max number of concurrent requests per organization reached. |
BDC_1323 | This vendor is not able to receive ePayments from a Basic Payables account. To pay this vendor, contact Customer Support to upgrade. |
BDC_1324 | This vendor is unable to receive ePayments, because their bank account is not setup correctly. Please contact your vendor and request that they complete account setup. |
BDC_1325 | This vendor is not able to receive ePayments from a Basic Payables account. To pay this vendor, contact Customer Support to upgrade. |
BDC_1326 | Sync is not connected |
BDC_1327 | Sync could not start. Reason: ${paramName0} |
BDC_1328 | Sync is already running. |
BDC_1329 | Cannot make account primary. Bank account is not active and/or verified. |
BDC_1330 | This vendor is RPPS vendor and is not allowed to receive ePayments from a Basic Payables account. To pay this vendor, contact Customer Support to upgrade |
BDC_1331 | Missing required data for: ${paramName0} if ${paramName1} is false |
BDC_1332 | Cannot send via US Mail now because customer mailing address is incomplete. Update the customer address with a valid US address and try again. |
BDC_1333 | Cannot send via US Mail now because customer mailing address is a Non US address. |
BDC_1334 | Maximum log file size exceeded of ${paramName0} mb. |
BDC_1335 | Organization address and/or phone missing. |
BDC_1336 | User for a profile type which belongs to the ${paramName0} group is not allowed to be created or modified. |
BDC_1337 | Organization has reached its user limit |
BDC_1338 | User cannot be updated because the terms of service have not been accepted. Login to our website to accept the terms of service. |
BDC_1339 | Invalid request. Check query string parameters. |
BDC_1340 | HTTP Method not supported. |
BDC_1341 | Price Plan is inactive. Cannot assign to organization. |
BDC_1342 | Price Plan does not exist. |
BDC_1343 | Cannot downgrade price plan via API. Request customer to contact customer support for assistance. |
BDC_1344 | Price Plan Type is missing. |
BDC_1345 | The selected price plan is invalid or does not exist |
BDC_1346 | Maximum request size exceeded. |
BDC_1347 | Business Object Loaded is NULL |
BDC_1348 | Both payer and vendor side are not verified |
BDC_1349 | Terms of service not accepted. |
BDC_1350 | User's identity has not been verified. |
BDC_1351 | Invalid field: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1352 | Duplicate field: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_1353 | Vendor credit amount must be greater than zero. |
BDC_1354 | Specified MFA phone is not setup or is invalid. |
BDC_1355 | Unable to send MFA token. |
BDC_1356 | MFA token has expired. |
BDC_1357 | MFA token response is incorrect. |
BDC_1358 | MFA too many token response attempts. |
BDC_1359 | Upgrade not allowed. |
BDC_1360 | Price Plan is inactive. |
BDC_1361 | Untrusted session. |
BDC_1362 | Plaid data retrieval error. |
BDC_1363 | Missing compliance data. |
BDC_1364 | Bank Account Verification Failed. |
BDC_1544 | Validation exception: ${paramName0}, fieldName: ${paramName1}. |
BDC_4000 | Found multiple objects by search without integrationId: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_4001 | Found multiple objects by search with integrationId: ${paramName0}. |
BDC_4002 | Not an Xero org. |
BDC_4003 | Token renewal failed. |
BDC_5001 | There is a pending invitation for the ${paramName0}. |
BDC_5002 | The invitation is not valid for ${paramName0} and ${paramName1}. |
BDC_5003 | Invalid network connection state. |
BDC_5101 | Invalid object id: {0} |
BDC_5102 | You cannot send an empty note |
BDC_5103 | Note cannot exceed 4000 characters |
BDC_5104 | Cannot send public message as the objects are not connected in network |
BDC_5105 | You do not have the necessary credentials to perform this task |
BDC_5106 | Cannot send/list messages on this object: {0} |
BDC_5200 | Invalid Customer ID! |
BDC_5201 | Invalid Org ID! |
BDC_5202 | Invalid Login! |
BDC_5203 | Server Error! |
BDC_5204 | Permission Denied! |
BDC_5205 | Connection TimeOut! |
BDC_5206 | Invalid Field! |
BDC_5207 | Failing Portal Password Standard |
BDC_5208 | BP Org Exists |
BDC_5209 | Remote BP service Failed to Connect Invitee As Recipient |
BDC_5210 | Failed to Create Invitee NRR |
BDC_5211 | Org Not BPEnabled |
BDC_5212 | User Cannot Manage Network |
BDC_5213 | User Cannot Edit Org |
BDC_5214 | Only Paid Receivable Account Can Print/Mail Invoice |
BDC_5215 | Before we can mail your invoices, add a bank account for receiving payments. |
BDC_5310 | You already have a device with this name. |