About MoneyMovement
Bill.com uses MoneyMovement to transfer funds when paying a bill or receiving a payment for an invoice receipt. You can retrieve the fund transfer details within the organization using this API.
The bank reconciliation process can be automated to track funds. When funds are received/sent, Bill.com withdraws or deposits on the same Process Date. The bank account statement shows the total received/sent on that day.
Bill.com transfers funds through "Money In Clearing" and "Money Out Clearing" accounts. A journal entry tracks each MoneyMovement entry.
When integrating with an accounting system (other than the QuickBooks, Xero, NetSuite, and Intacct, which are currently supported by Bill.com), payments made/received are synced via Bill.com with MoneyMovement to create the journal entries. Users don't need to manually run bank reconciliation.
Here are the details:
Money Movement Type 1 is Payables. Type 2 is Receivables.
Status: 0 = Sent, 1 = Confirmed, 2 = Void.
Sync on only Status=1 (Confirmed) with these filters:
- "filters" : [{"field":"status", "op":"in", "value":"1"}]
Create a journal entry with amount (convert to positive), date, description (memo), and GL accounts:
- Payables: Funds transferred from corresponding bank account (i.e. GL account) to Bill.com Money Out Clearing.
- Receivables: Funds transferred from Bill.com Money In Clearing to bank account that receives payments (i.e., GL account).
To get the corresponding bank account chart of accounts for money transfer from/to, read the bank account information.
"id" : "mmt01YRBUVNFAOZETFxr"
"response_status" : 0,
"response_message" : "Success",
"response_data" : {
"entity" : "MoneyMovement",
"id" : "mmt01IKTBNYOBYHKS1jm",
"createdTime" : "2016-12-10T23:20:01.000+0000",
"updatedTime" : "2016-12-10T23:20:01.000+0000",
"name" : "090310010002001",
"type" : "1",
"amount" : -3000.00,
"processDate" : "2016-12-11",
"status" : "1",
"bankAccountId" : "bac01QDUWSONHSGMO5ei",
"description" : "Bill.com 03/11/09 Payments",
"moneyMovementItems" : [ {
"entity" : "MoneyMovementItem",
"id" : "mmi01CNZDQSVMHMFN1p5",
"createdTime" : "2016-12-10T23:20:01.000+0000",
"updatedTime" : "2016-12-10T23:20:01.000+0000",
"moneyMovementId" : "mmt01IKTBNYOBYHKS1jm",
"amount" : -3000.00,
"name" : "American Express Corporate Card"
} ]